Well, it worked. Who woulda thunk it. Last night (Night #3), Will and Oliver slept from 7:15 pm until 7:00 am – WITHOUT WAKING ONCE. Simply amazing. This evening, there was a moment that I forgot we had kids sleeping in the other room (does that make me a bad mom?). I will say that, in addition to improving their quality of sleep, it has also been, oddly enough, incredibly liberating. I don’t walk around in the evenings filled with the fear that they might wake up, and how, in heaven’s name are we going to get them back to sleep again. Even if they do wake up, they are learning how to get themselves back to sleep on their own. Another note is that naps are still not going swimmingly well, however, that was inline with our expectations, as daytime sleep apparently takes longer to master. They are continuing to improve on that front as well, though, which does give us hope. They slept for an hour stretch during two naps today, which we were incredibly happy with.
I’m still not getting a crazy amount of sleep, as I stay up to do the dream feed, which lasts until 11:20, and then I do a load of laundry and get everything set up for the morning. And being the night owl that I am, I proceed to then read, write or catch up on my endless Twitter articles. Finally pass out around 1:30 or so. Subconsciously, I think I’m still waiting for them to wake up, so I can take care of them before Aaron’s shift, which would usually start between 2:30-3:30. Next week, I think we will begin weaning them from their dream feed, though, and then hopefully I will really start getting some good sleep. Over a year of not sleeping through the night – I don’t remember what it feels like to have a brain that functions! Soon, Lisa, soon.
More to come.
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